Overview of Spirituality
Overview of Spirituality
The religious formation of children is the primary reason for the existence of Catholic schools. Thus, St. Luke the Evangelist Catholic School's religious education program is of particular curricular importance. Scripture, doctrine, prayer, and Liturgy are related to children at their developmental levels, beginning with their own experiences. Prayer is interwoven throughout the student’s day. Prayer begins and ends each day, experienced daily in religion class, before lunchtime, and in other parts of the day.
Students attend weekly Mass on Wednesdays at 8:30 am with their class. All students are required to attend Mass on Holy Days and the occasion of special liturgies and activities. Parents are invited to attend weekly Mass.
Each school day begins and ends with all-school prayer. Prayer is interwoven throughout each day. Prayer will also be said before and after lunch.
Catholic students in 2nd grade prepare for and receive the sacraments of Reconciliation and First Communion. Reconciliation will be celebrated in the Fall. First Communion will be celebrated in the Spring. Reconciliation will be celebrated for Catholic students in grades 3 – 8 during Advent and Lent. The preparation of young people for the sacraments is a responsibility shared by parents, parish, school, and the candidates themselves. The parish programs work together with the parents to provide a comprehensive approach to formation for the sacraments. The St. Luke the Evangelist Director of Religious Education oversees the sacramental preparation for all parish and day school children. Homeroom teachers provide the classroom component of this preparation under the direction of the Director of Religious Education and the support of the school administration.
As Catholics, we believe that the Eucharist is the body, blood, soul, and divinity of our Lord Jesus Christ. Receiving Communion, therefore, is a sign of unity among Catholics and an assent to this belief. For this reason, non-Catholic students will receive the classroom component of learning about the sacraments, but will not receive the sacraments. Instead of receiving Communion during Mass, non-Catholic students will receive a blessing. If your family is interested in becoming Catholic, please let us know and we would be happy to discuss this with you and guide you through the process.
We participate in the liturgical season of the Catholic church throughout the year. Prayer tables in each classroom are changed according to the season. In May and October, we say the rosary at a school. During Advent, we offer Reconciliation to Catholic students in 3rd-8th grade. During Lent, we pray the Stations of the Cross each Friday as a whole school and offer Reconciliation to Catholic students in 3rd-8th grade.